It's A Very Long Pin!

People say that the way to get noticed is to use Pinterest and the best pins to pin are the long ones. So here is my first long Pin.

Why the long pins? Well, long vertical pins are the most likely to get you noticed because they take up more space in your audience’s feed—valuable, attention-getting space. If you wanna be popular on Pinterest.

Heres How To Make One:

I did mine in Adobe Illustrator, but you can use an app like Pic Monkey or Canva. I'm sure there are many more, but these are the two I know of.

I made an art board 976 pt wide by 3642 pt long. I added some stuff that I thought would be good looking. I then added some words in bold letters to get some attention and a call to action at the bottom. I made it real fast, saved it as a PNG, uploaded to Pinterest, linked it to my Etsy Shop and pinned it to one of my boards. Now I wait to see if it worked. I'm not expecting much, but think I will do it again.


Mario Saverino

Designer/Artist See My About Page for more information. Thank You.